Core Skills – Maternity and Neonates
This is a one-day hands-on course which focuses on the knowledge and skills required to assess and treat pre-hospital obstetric and neo-natal resuscitation emergencies.
We will support you by providing access to pre-course reading materials in advance of your face to face teaching session to provide you with all the knowledge you need to attend.
The learning objectives for the day are:
- Define their role in the assessment and treatment of patients experiencing prehospital obstetric and/or neo-natal resuscitation emergencies
- Identify obstetric and neo-natal emergencies in the prehospital setting
- Discuss the assessment and treatment options available in the pre-hospital environment
- Demonstrate the assessments and possible treatments options for obstetric and/or neonatal resuscitation emergencies events in the prehospital environment
- Outline the gold standard for treatment of the obstetric or neonatal resuscitation emergencies in the pre-hospital environment
What the day looks like:
A one-day skills-based experiential learning module with the aim of focusing on the knowledge and skills required to assess and treat a patient involved in an obstetric and/or neo-natal resuscitation emergency in the pre-hospital environment.
The Session begins with a facilitated discussion around the learning needs of the group and any challenges they have faced in practice, the sessions then move to skill stations to watch a demonstration of the skills after which they will practice the skills to enhance their competence. This learning is then reinforced in simulations which enables the learners to practice the patient assessment and decide upon and carry out the appropriate treatment strategies.
The remainder of the learning focuses on the structured debrief of the simulations and lessons learned from these sessions.
This is a 1-day course, starting at 08.30 with registration and refreshments and ends at 16.30.
Refreshments are provided by BASICS Scotland, however lunch should be brought by candidates.
£50 per person per day (this includes access to relevant e-learning modules)
How to book:
Please email in the first instance
Number of attendees:
Minimum 3, Maximum 6
Health Care Professionals responding to or working towards responding in the pre-hospital environment.
What do I need to bring?
Appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear for all weathers.
Hosting a core skills day:
if you wish us to come to your location and deliver to your staff please email
Wider context:
All our educational courses are available to health care professionals across Scotland who have an interest in or are working in the pre-hospital care field. The scope of educational materials ranges from on-line e-learning, podcasts, resource hub, tele-education (adult and paediatric). Core skills face to face teaching, virtual skills training (PODs), our Pre-hospital Emergency Care Course (PHECC) and our Pre-hospital paediatric life support course (PHPLS).